FutureForum Precious Metals presents top-class experts on topics relating to precious metals at the end of March
From March 23 - 25, 2025: New conference format "FutureForum Precious Metals" brings together interested experts from the entire DACH region at Messe Frankfurt
Frankfurt am Main, January 14, 2025 - The "ZukunftsForum Edelmetalle", a new type of b2b conference for precious metals, will take place for the first time from March 23 to 25 in the financial metropolis of Frankfurt am Main and is aimed primarily at professional players in the precious metals sector from all German-speaking countries.
In addition to investors such as family offices, private banks and asset managers, the target groups for the event include the precious metals processing and consuming industry, traders, analysts, banks, financial product and service providers as well as representatives of official bodies, associations, research and education and the press.
Over two days, the high-caliber event will feature expert presentations on a wide range of precious metal-related topics and trends, while also offering the opportunity for in-depth networking within the very diverse group of interested parties.
With this new conference format, the FutureForum Precious Metals aims to deliberately open doors and initiate a dialog between the various stakeholders. "Although precious metals in the form of gold play a central role in the investment sector and in the form of silver and platinum metals are considered indispensable technological raw materials in the industry, especially in the area of sustainability, such a platform for participants from the professional environment has been completely lacking in German-speaking countries until now. And this despite the fact that the DACH region plays a central role worldwide in the investment, processing and recycling of gold & co," says Wolfgang Wrzesniok-Roßbach, precious metals expert and long-standing leading manager of various precious metals companies and initiator of the ZukunftsForum Edelmetalle.
Main topics and program structure
The FutureForum Precious Metals extends over two and a half days and offers a varied program with lectures, panel discussions and an accompanying trade fair. The first day of the conference, "Gold Day", will be devoted entirely to the popular yellow metal and will shed light on its role in the financial world, as a value-preserving investment and in the industry. On the second day, the "White Metal Day", the focus will be on silver and platinum metals, with particular emphasis on their industrial applications and their potential in sustainable development.
technologies are discussed.
In addition to the presentations and discussions, the forum also offers a trade fair with 16 exhibition stands. These stands give companies an excellent opportunity to present their products and services to a high-caliber group of participants from a wide range of interest groups.
Background and organizer
The ZukunftsForum Edelmetalle is organized by Fragold Connect GmbH, whose founder and managing director is precious metals expert Wolfgang Wrzesniok-Roßbach. The aim of Fragold Connect GmbH is to promote networking within the precious metals industry and to increase its exchange with other stakeholders through formats such as the future annual FutureForum Precious Metals and the new trade journal "Gold & Weiss", which is also planned to be published twice a year.
Event details:
Date: March 23 - 25, 2025
Location: Congress Center Kap Europa of Messe Frankfurt, Osloer Str. 5, 60327
Frankfurt am Main
Topics: Gold, silver, platinum metals, mining, recycling, sustainability, economic and political developments, industrial applications, investment Further information and the opportunity to register can be found on the official website of the Future Forum: www.zukunftsforum-edelmetalle.de.
About Fragold Connect GmbH:
Fragold Connect GmbH was founded in 2024 by management consultant and precious metals expert Wolfgang Wrzesniok-Roßbach and marketing consultant Corinna Schmitz to sustainably promote and develop the precious metals industry in the DACH region through innovative events and publications such as the ZukunftsForum Edelmetalle and the trade journal "Gold & Weiss". The company is backed by two industry experts who can look back on decades of experience and extensive expertise in the world of precious metals.
Press contact:
Financial Relations GmbH
Sabine Dabergott
Mail: s.dabergott@financial-relations.de
Phone: +49 (0)6172/2715930
Fragold Connect GmbH
Wolfgang Wrzesniok-Roßbach
Managing Director
Mail: presse@fragold-connect.de