Program - Our focus

March 23 - 25, 2025: Save the date!
For the first time in 2025 and then regularly on an annual basis, the Precious Metals FutureForum will take place as a two-and-a-half-day event in Frankfurt.
The date for the 2025 event is March 23-25. In subsequent years, the Precious Metals FutureForum will always take place around two weeks before or after Easter, i.e. between mid-March and mid-April.
The two actual conference days are divided into a "Gold Day" and a "White Metal Day", on which the focus is on silver and the platinum metals.
Extensive lunch and coffee breaks provide space for networking during the two conference days.

March 23 - 25, 2025: Save the date!
For the first time in 2025 and then regularly on an annual basis, the Precious Metals FutureForum will take place as a two-and-a-half-day event in Frankfurt.
The date for the 2025 event is March 23-25. In subsequent years, the Precious Metals FutureForum will always take place around two weeks before or after Easter, i.e. between mid-March and mid-April.
The two actual conference days are divided into a "Gold Day" and a "White Metal Day", on which the focus is on silver and the platinum metals.
Extensive lunch and coffee breaks provide space for networking during the two conference days.
The conference
The planned agenda of the Future Forum Precious Metals will cover a broad spectrum of topics ranging from the current situation and future development of the global economy and financial markets to the future of the precious metals industry and the topic of precious metals investments.
Over the next few weeks, the ZFE program will continue to be fine-tuned and the exact topics and the respective speakers or participants of planned panel discussions will be published here on this website and on social media channels.
The anticipated topics can already be divided into several central fields, which will ultimately shed light on the most diverse facets and challenges of the industry.

The conference
The planned agenda of the Future Forum Precious Metals will cover a broad spectrum of topics ranging from the current situation and future development of the global economy and financial markets to the future of the precious metals industry and the topic of precious metals investments.
Over the next few weeks, the ZFE program will continue to be fine-tuned and the exact topics and the respective speakers or participants of planned panel discussions will be published here on this website and on social media channels.
The anticipated topics can already be divided into several central fields, which will ultimately shed light on the most diverse facets and challenges of the industry.

Developments, trends & strategies
An important focus is on global macroeconomic and geopolitical developments that influence the precious metals markets - for example, after the US election and before the German election. There will also be a discussion of how the shift in the global balance of power is influencing precious metals trading. Other topics will include the role of central banks and the commodity strategies of countries in the DACH region.
Another focus is on current investment trends and investment strategies. Among other things, the comparison between traditional precious metals and new investment alternatives such as cryptocurrencies will be examined. In addition, the question is raised as to how investments in precious metals are made today, from small investors to single family offices. It also examines whether institutional investors should also consider other commodities such as lithium and non-ferrous metals (copper, nickel, etc.) in addition to precious metals.

Developments, trends & strategies
An important focus will be on global macroeconomic and geopolitical developments that influence the precious metals markets - for example after the US election and before the German election. There will also be a discussion of how the shift in the global balance of power is influencing precious metals trading. Other topics will include the role of central banks in the gold market, as well as the commodity strategies of countries in the DACH region.
Another focus is on current investment trends and investment topics. Among other things, the difference between traditional investments, such as those in precious metals, and new investment alternatives, such as cryptocurrencies, will be examined. It is also planned to take a closer look at whether and how investors, from small investors to single family offices, are investing in precious metals today. Another topic may be whether institutional investors in particular are now broadening their horizons and considering other commodities such as lithium and non-ferrous metals (copper, nickel, etc.) for their portfolios in addition to precious metals.

Developments, trends & strategies
An important focus will be on global macroeconomic and geopolitical developments that influence the precious metals markets - for example after the US election and before the German election. There will also be a discussion of how the shift in the global balance of power is influencing precious metals trading. Other topics will include the role of central banks in the gold market, as well as the commodity strategies of countries in the DACH region.
Another focus is on current investment trends and investment topics. Among other things, the difference between traditional investments, such as those in precious metals, and new investment alternatives, such as cryptocurrencies, will be examined. It is also planned to take a closer look at whether and how investors, from small investors to single family offices, are investing in precious metals today. Another topic may be whether institutional investors in particular are now broadening their horizons and considering other commodities such as lithium and non-ferrous metals (copper, nickel, etc.) for their portfolios in addition to precious metals.
Industrial and technological developments
Political, technological and industrial developments in precious metal mining and processing are another core topic. Contributions here deal with the question of the current situation in the global mining industry and how the geopolitical environment presents itself at a time when state or semi-state actors are increasingly trying to secure exclusive access to the world's raw material reserves. It also raises the question of how mining in Europe should be assessed as a potential source of important raw materials.
Current trends in the processing and industrial application of precious metals will also be considered in this context.
Sustainability and ESG

Industrial and technological developments
Political, technological and industrial developments in precious metal mining and processing are another core topic. Contributions here deal with the question of the current situation in the global mining industry and how the geopolitical environment presents itself at a time when state or semi-state actors are increasingly trying to secure exclusive access to the world's raw material reserves. It also raises the question of how mining in Europe should be assessed as a potential source of important raw materials.
Current trends in the processing and industrial application of precious metals will also be considered in this context.
Sustainability and ESG
The topics of sustainability and ESG (environmental, social and governance) are inevitably an integral part of a conference on precious metals. The FutureForum will also address issues such as transparency in the precious metals industry, particularly with regard to ESG criteria, and the use of blockchain technologies, for example, which make it possible to trace the origin of gold and other precious metals.

The future of the precious metals markets
The future of the precious metals markets will be examined in various sessions. For example, the Precious Metals FutureForum will address the various investment options for precious metals and highlight possible changes in this area.
But questions relating to precious metal trading will also be examined. For example, how has the role of banks changed in recent years and which new players have emerged on the market? What impact has this had on market liquidity?
Economic issues in the industry
The current and future economic situation of the precious metals industry should not be neglected either. One topic could be, for example, how financial service providers and precious metal dealers can and must position themselves in a much more digital world in the future. The question of whether, in view of criminal incidents such as investment fraud in the precious metals trade, etc., the industry needs stronger regulation could also be a topic.

The future of the precious metals markets
The future of the precious metals markets will be examined in various sessions. For example, the Precious Metals FutureForum will address the various investment options for precious metals and highlight possible changes in this area.
But questions relating to precious metal trading will also be examined. For example, how has the role of banks changed in recent years and which new players have emerged on the market? What impact has this had on market liquidity?
Economic issues in the industry
The current and future economic situation of the precious metals industry should not be neglected either. One topic could be, for example, how financial service providers and precious metal dealers can and must position themselves in a much more digital world in the future. The question of whether, in view of criminal incidents such as investment fraud in the precious metals trade, etc., the industry needs stronger regulation could also be a topic.
Last but not least, the topic of trends and challenges in the recovery of precious metals will be addressed as part of the Precious Metals FutureForum. Both technological and political trends and challenges play a role here. One question, for example, is whether certain sectors in which the recovery of precious metals already works very well can also serve as a model for other industrial applications.

Last but not least, the topic of trends and challenges in the recovery of precious metals will be addressed as part of the Precious Metals FutureForum. Both technological and political trends and challenges play a role here. One question, for example, is whether certain sectors in which the recovery of precious metals already works very well can also serve as a model for other industrial applications.

The accompanying program
Experience shows that many participants will arrive the evening before. The Precious Metals FutureForum will therefore start the evening before the conference with a Cocktail Reception in the spectacular Skybar on the 47th floor of Tower One as the first networking opportunity.
Even before the cocktail reception, Sunday starts with an interesting offer for ZFE participants. In a group limited by the number of participants, there will be a Visit to a real mine the Fortuna mine near Wetzlar. Although no precious metals were mined here in the past, but rather iron ore, today's visitor mine still offers an authentic mine feeling. From the authentic equipment with overalls and rubber boots to the entrance to the mine with the pit cage to a tour with the mine train at a depth of 150 meters and the demonstration of machines: This is a more than exciting opportunity for anyone who has anything to do with precious metals but has never been in a mine or would like to visit one again.
The official opening is scheduled for Monday evening. Conference dinner in one of Frankfurt's museums, which will be sponsored by the company C. Hafner in 2025 to mark its 175th anniversary.
For spatial reasons, the cocktail reception and the conference dinner are also limited in terms of the number of possible participants. Participation is therefore by separate invitation.

The accompanying program
Experience shows that many participants will arrive the evening before. The Precious Metals FutureForum will therefore start the evening before the conference with a Cocktail Reception in the spectacular Skybar on the 47th floor of Tower One as the first networking opportunity.
Even before the cocktail reception, Sunday starts with an interesting offer for ZFE participants. In a group limited by the number of participants, there will be a Visit to a real mine the Fortuna mine near Wetzlar. Although no precious metals were mined here in the past, but rather iron ore, today's visitor mine still offers an authentic mine feeling. From the authentic equipment with overalls and rubber boots to the entrance to the mine with the pit cage to a tour with the mine train at a depth of 150 meters and the demonstration of machines: This is a more than exciting opportunity for anyone who has anything to do with precious metals but has never been in a mine or would like to visit one again.
The official opening is scheduled for Monday evening. Conference dinner in one of Frankfurt's museums, which will be sponsored by the company C. Hafner in 2025 to mark its 175th anniversary.
For spatial reasons, the cocktail reception and the conference dinner are also limited in terms of the number of possible participants. Participation is therefore by separate invitation.